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Did you know the Kentucky Farm Bureau promotes policies of clear discrimination?

For years, the company has held stances that are:

  • Anti-LGBTQ
  • Anti-Teacher
  • Anti-Union
  • Anti-Choice
  • Anti-POC
  • Pro-Death Penalty

Each year, Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance customers automatically pay a fee that enrolls them as members of the Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation, the company’s 501(c)4 lobbying arm. Each year they spend tens of thousands of dollars lobbying the Kentucky General Assembly. Typically elected officials receive copies of the company’s policy book, which details the organization’s discriminatory stances, but paying customers do not. In the last two years, KFB has hidden their policy book from most people, but they don’t deny still having these discriminatory policies.

Download your own copy of the official Kentucky Farm Bureau Policies Book and read for yourself.

Below are some of the policies opposed by the Fairness Campaign, ACLU of Kentucky, Jefferson County Teachers Association (JCTA), Louisville Showing Up for Racial Justice (LSURJ), Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates – KY, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 227, and Kentucky Health Justice Network.   

CONTACT your county’s Kentucky Farm Bureau to ask them to drop their policies: Click Here to Search by County

Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation Policies & Book Page Numbers:

  • The institution of marriage should only be recognized as the legal union of a man and a woman. (p.9)
  • We are opposed to any state-supported agency providing benefits to “domestic” partners. (p.10)
  • We strongly believe in the value of all individuals both born and unborn. (p.10)
  • We support the current law that prevents teacher strikes. We oppose legislation that mandates collective bargaining for public school employees. (p.60)
  • We oppose schools declaring themselves gender neutral. (p.61)
  • Alternative lifestyles should not be taught in public schools. (p.61)
  • We oppose an increase in the minimum hourly wage. (p.75)
  • We recommend the federal prevailing wage law be repealed when dealing with government contracts. (p.75)
  • We strongly oppose any mandate that would require any government entities to recognize and collectively bargain with employee unions. (p.75)
  • Furthermore, we oppose public employees being permitted to strike, organize work stoppages or slow-downs. (p.75)
  • We support the idea that those who receive Supplemental Security Income, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, or other government welfare payments should have to submit to random drug testing. (p.76)
  • Persons on strike should not be eligible for SNAP benefits, surplus commodities or unemployment compensation. (p. 76)
  • We support capital punishment. (p.88)
  • We oppose any government mandate that forces school districts to provide transgender bathrooms. (p.90)

Meet Freda Fairness, Freddy Farm Bureau’s Cousin!



I’m Freda Fairness, Freddy Farm Bureau‘s cousin! You probably know Freddy from years of him sittin’ at the entrance of the Kentucky State Fair greetin’ folks like you and me. He’s nice enough, but I had no idea the company he works for, Kentucky Farm Bureau, marginalizes and discriminates against people like me. Just read their policy booklet! 

Follow me on social media–@FredaFairness & Freda–so we can spread the word about Freddy and the Farm Bureau. Also, don’t forget to contact your local Kentucky Farm Bureau office–whether you’re a member or not! Ask them why these policies exist and how you can change them!


Freda is a social justice collaboration with Squallis Puppeteers