Saturday, March 22, 2025
6:30 – 10:00 p.m. ET
Muhammad Ali Center
144 N. 6th St., Louisville, KY 40202
Kris Kiser
Sandra Frazier
Thrive Floral Studio
ACLU of Kentucky
Bass Family Foundation
Brooke Brown Barzun and Matthew Barzun
Eleanor Bingham Miller
Humana Inc. – Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Jane F. Welch
Jefferson County Teachers Association
Lisa Osanka and Carla F Wallace for a Permanent Ceasefire
Louisville Metro Council Members Chappel, Herndon, Owen, Parrish-Wright, and Reno-Weber
Ronald Rubin
Sociable Weaver Foundation
Andy Perry and John Sistarenik
Ann-Lynn Ellerkamp
Ben Bass
Christina Lee Brown
Honorable Patti Minter and Michael Minter
Jennifer A. Moore
Jessica Loving and Sheryl Snyder
John and Marilyn Werst
Louisville Tourism
Mark Baridon
Morris & Player PLLC
Rusty Cheuvront
Sam Marcosson
Tom Wallace Lyons
Unite Kentucky
21 Skye Design
Bill and Pat Allison
Bill Hollander and Lisa Keener
Bill Kuntz, In Memory of Dorene Stein
Carmichael’s Bookstore
Caroline and Tim Heine
Charles Raith, in Memory of Samuel F. Dorr
Colleen Younger, Jefferson County PVA
Craig and Dale Herink
Dan Farrell
Darrell and Nancy Shelton
Don Wenzel and Ron Darnell
Dr. Kenneth and Shelly Zegart
Ed Kruger and Jeff Rodgers
Eugenia and John Potter
Gerald Neal for Senate District 33, Senate Minority Leader
Ginger Wallace and Janet Holliday
Good Influence
Henry V. Heuser, Jr and Donald H. Whitfield
Jeff Been and Eric Graninger
Jeff Polson and Gary White
Jim Dickinson and Tim Combs
Joey Yates and Patrick Stallard
Judge Lisa L Langford
Kate Farrow aka “Kate for 48”
Kathy Urbach and Bruce Holzman
Kentucky House Democrats
Kentucky Senate Democrats
Louisville Pride Foundation
Mattie and Bob Brown
Morgan McGarvey for Congress
Nick Wilkerson
Paul Manning and Charlotte Reed
Sean Riley and Berett Hollis
Seth T. Church
Seven Counties Services
State Senator Karen Berg
The Look Family
Valle Jones and Ann Coffey
Will and Becky West