CFAIR 2018 Primary Endorsements

C-FAIR, the political action committee (PAC) of the Fairness Campaign, is proud to endorse 28 candidates in 25 Kentucky Primary Election races in Bowling Green, Lexington, and Louisville.

You might be wondering why you do not see endorsements in important Primary Election races for Congress, but as a state PAC, C-FAIR can only endorse candidates for state and local office, not federal office. You may also wonder why there are no endorsements in many other races, like Kentucky House District 34, where longtime Fairness ally Rep. Mary Lou Marzian is running for re-election. Many of these elected officials do not have Primary Election opponents, so they will not appear on the ballot May 22. This is also true for Jefferson County judicial races with fewer than three candidates. In those races, two candidates will win the Primary Election to compete in the General Election in the fall. Candidates in those races also will not appear on your ballot, therefore C-FAIR will endorse a candidate in those races closer to the General Election in November.

These endorsements represent hundreds of volunteer hours performed by C-FAIR Board Members and community supporters, who interviewed candidates in all 25 races. Beginning in February, all candidates in races being considered by C-FAIR were mailed an instruction letter to their address filed with the Kentucky Secretary of State or County Clerk. Those letters provided a link to an online candidate survey. Candidates who completed the survey in a timely manner, and whose answers were viewed favorably by the C-FAIR Board of Directors, were invited to an interview with a team of C-FAIR Board Members and community volunteers who interviewed each candidate in a particular race. Following the interview, the team made a recommendation of endorsement to the C-FAIR Board of Directors, which issues final endorsement decisions.

Often, there are many Fairness-supportive candidates in a single race, including some who have received the C-FAIR endorsement in the past, sometimes for a different office. While it is difficult, the C-FAIR Board of Directors endeavors to choose one candidate for endorsement in each race, since voters must make the same hard choice. On rare occasions, C-FAIR may endorse more than one candidate, which is almost always reserved for races in which more than one candidate will proceed to the General Election.

We encourage you to research candidates’ positions on all the issues that matter to you and make your own choices. Regardless of how you vote, the most important thing is that you do vote May 22! You may view our full endorsements at